Sunday, March 22, 2009

Archive, Library, and Museum of the Association of Former Political Prisoners of World War II

The Archive, Library, and Museum of the Association of Former Political Prisoners of German and Soviet Concentration Camps was opened on December 2, 1990. The archives contains documents of actions undertaken by the Association in order to help all former prisoners of German and Soviet camps obtain legal status. In additional to appeals, it has the correspondence to different political figures in various countries regarding the status of war prisoners.

Personal documents are complete in this section.
Collections in the Library consist of literature pertaining to the history of particular camps at Brzezinka, Majdanek, Dachau, Gross-Rosen, Oswiecim, Ravensbrück, and Sachsenhausen. There are also complete sets o periodicals s, such as Zeszytach Oświęcimskich an alphabetical listing of c. 900 Auschwitz prisoners whose names appear in the books of the 'karnej kompanii,' the 'punishment company' and Przeglad Lekarski (Medical Review).

The Museum contains enormous artworks illustrated the martyrdom of prisoners and their tragic life. Original photographs which were taken in various concentration camps set a dramatic scene. A showcase contains samples of ground from Oświęcim, camp wire, and prison uniforms. A large tapestry of St. Maxmillian Maria Kolbe, prisoner and martyr of Oświęcim, hangs on one of the walls along with maps of Nazi concentration camps on Poland, Germany, and other occupied terrorizes. These collections have an enormous educational significance for the younger generations.