May 26th was also Mother’s Day in Poland.
It is celebrated by school children who have special events for their mothers at school with planned programs, theater presentations with kids as actors,and handmade cards. The day would not be complete without special foods including cakes and singing Sto Lat for the Moms.
We visited with Fr. Josef at the parish of Holy Trinity Church on Sobieskiego St. – erected at the beginning of the 17th century in late Gothic style as the first new Protestant place of worship. The street's name derives from the fact that Jan Sobieski passed this way before the battle of Vienna. It was taken over by the Catholics during the Counter Reformation.
The parish school specialized in Polish-English instruction. We were surrounded by children during their recess and they tried out their Hello, My name is,and What is your name? phrases. One wonders if the “devil signs” held over the other student's head (in the photo) is an English import or a home grown prank.