Ministry of Foreign Affairs
The final day of visits began with a security check and a stop to obtain documents to enter the government buildings and offices. We presented the Minister of Foreign Affairs with a letter of introduction from Chancellor Whalen. They asked personal questions regarding our backgrounds using the materials his staff had researched. We were verified and passed the high level government security as legitimate representatives of Polonia.
We first met with his assistant and explained the status of The Polish Mission. The Minister asked in particular for a written statement of our programs and ideas on how his office could participate in our 1 September 1939 event after Ceil presented the Michigan Humanities Council Grant. He was interested since it would be one government working with another. The Michigan Humanities Council is an affiliate of the National Endowment for the Humanities.
He asked for a full description and expresses his willingness of participation. He represents the Polish Foreign Office and usually works via his offices in the Embassy in the US and consulate. When he receives a written invitation via the Washington office, he will send a representative to the Orchard Lake campus to explore future programs and collaboration.
Marcin presented the campus location as a destination for Polish and North American government meetings citing our proximity to an international airport, the Canadian border, and Midwestern Polish communities.