We first visited the area of the Theresienstandt Family Camp and the quarantine area. We peered into the gates of the prison in a prison set up for potential escapees and political opponents all who would only survive for two weeks in the double security brick compound. Each area had small tributes left by visitors. The train tracks had floral tributes and wreaths made of pine cones which represented the surrounding forest. Ribbons woven into the tributes had messages written in Italian, Hungarian, Russian, and Polish. This reflected just some of the nations and languages of those murdered at Auschwitz.
Friday, July 3, 2009
31 May - Auschwitz II-Birkenau
We first visited the area of the Theresienstandt Family Camp and the quarantine area. We peered into the gates of the prison in a prison set up for potential escapees and political opponents all who would only survive for two weeks in the double security brick compound. Each area had small tributes left by visitors. The train tracks had floral tributes and wreaths made of pine cones which represented the surrounding forest. Ribbons woven into the tributes had messages written in Italian, Hungarian, Russian, and Polish. This reflected just some of the nations and languages of those murdered at Auschwitz.